• How To Get Rid of Acne and Acne Scars

    There's not a single person that hasn't had an occasional pimple. Most pimples don't cause issues, but constant acne breakouts can carry a myriad of problems. One may experience embarrassment, frustration, sadness, as well as scarring and accumulating expense. Those whom are prone to breakouts normally apply a cacophony of medicated creams or gels. But there is more to treating acne than just applying...
  • 5 Amazing Benefits of Pumpkin Based Skin Care

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    Fall and winter bring about an array of pumpkin based items. We see it marketed frequently in products from lattes to pies, but it has become a main highlight in skin care as well. These fibrous vegetables are highly concentrated with enzymes, beta Carotene, and other vitamins and minerals all of which can provide amazing benefits. What Does Pumpkin Do For The Skin? 1....
  • Ingredients 101: The Power of Peptides!

    A popular ingredient, especially in the anti-aging market, peptides have found a home in skincare products and are here to stay.  If you are looking for a product that will help smooth out, relax and repair wrinkle formation plus improve skin tone and texture then look for ones with peptides in them. Research has shown that better results are achieved with products that contain...
  • 6 Benefits of Using a Vitamin C Serum

              There has been a lot of hype in the media about Vitamin C serums, many think that's all it is, but studies have shown that topical Vitamin C does have beneficial effects on skin cells. So if you want to look younger (and who doesn't?) read on...    Vitamin C Promotes Collagen Production...   The antioxidant properties of Vitamin...
  • Why Is Exfoliation Important?

    You probably already know you should be exfoliating regularly to achieve and keep a healthy glow, but with so many options and logistics involved it can seem all too daunting. If your skin has been on the drier, dull and lackluster side lately, then it's definitely time to drop that Apricot scrub and check out our exfoliation run down to avoid making mistakes and get your...
  • How To Stop Hair Loss And Thinning

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    Why Is My Hair Thinning? Why Am I Losing Hair? - Common Causes of Hair Loss Hair loss or thinning is a topic that many of us can experience at some point in our lives. While hair loss can be confusing, scary and often times affect your self esteem, it is important to identify the root causes(s) of your hair loss or thinning in...
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