Antioxidants For Aging Skin


Woman applying a serum on cheek

What are Antioxidants?

Antioxidants are chemical substances, both man-made and natural, including Vitamins C and E, Selenium, and carotenoids, such as beta-Carotene, Lycopene, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin. They reduce the effects of aging by neutralizing free radicals from damaging your DNA and therefore have the potential to reduce the effects of aging as well as lower the risks of several diseases. 

These antioxidant compounds are categorized into two types, exogenous antioxidants and endogenous antioxidants. Phytonutrients, like Lycopene and beta-Carotene, fall under the category of exogenous antioxidants. Endogenous antioxidants include Superoxide Dismutases (SODs), Catalase and Glutathione peroxidase. 

Free Radicals & Oxidative Stress

According to the NIH, “free radicals are highly unstable molecules that are naturally formed when you exercise and when your body converts food into energy.” Free radicals are produced in cells by cellular metabolism and also by exogenous agents. These species react with biomolecules in cells, including DNA. The resulting damage to DNA, which is also called oxidative damage to DNA, is implicated in mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and aging. Free radicals produce oxidative damage. Antioxidants have the potential to fight oxidation by stopping free radicals from causing DNA damage. The more antioxidants that are available, the more free radical scavenging activity will occur. 

If we turn our attention to our skin, it is easy to understand how smoke, air pollution, and sunlight affect our skin. 







Thanks to its high antioxidant properties, Vitamin C can help reduce free radicals, alleviate damaged skin, and aged skin, and provide a more youthful glow. To learn more about the role Vitamin C plays in natural skincare, read 5 Herbs Rich in Natural Vitamin C.

Vitamin E is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that can reduce UV-induced skin damage. This powerful antioxidant is considered essential in skincare. It is a photo-protector and wound healer that works excellently in combination with Vitamin C. These two effects are also associated with diminishing the wrinkling process of the skin.

Omega 3 – Fatty Acids have a soothing effect and soften the skin while providing a balance between moisture and oil production. It is also beneficial against UV damage.

Why do some plants have Antioxidant Properties?

As our previous blog Ingredients 101: Herbal Extracts points out, plants produce antioxidants to fight environmental stress and resist disease. Humans have found these properties and ways to extract this goodness for human benefit. Specifically, Polyphenolics are generally rich in antioxidants. These plant chemicals are what give rise to the therapeutic and aesthetic properties of herbs.


Antioxidants play an important role in anti-aging skincare.  Your skin needs daily defense against damages that can result in a breakdown in Collagen and Elastin creating saggy jowls to increased pigmentation and a flare-up of sun spots or age spots.


Top 3 Benefits of Antioxidants in Natural Skin Care

  • Antioxidant-rich lotion moisturizes as it reduces the effects of aging making your whole body glow.
  • Antioxidants fight free radicals from air pollution and aging to support a healthy body.
  • Moisturizes and softens to hydrate, smooth fine lines and creepiness.


Antioxidants are found as both man-made and natural substances, and it pays to get as many of them in your diet as possible. The recommended intake for most antioxidants is between 80 and 100mg per day, depending on your age and health, but always discuss this with your doctor first.

Do these antioxidants really demonstrate the tremendous health benefits touted by the media, research, and marketers? The answer appears to be yes. Antioxidants can have a big impact on your health and well-being, and they're even likely to help you live longer. So what are you waiting for? It's time to add antioxidants to your diet and skincare routines.

For full body care, try our Anti-Aging Body Lotion, which contains high concentrations of free-radical fighting, antioxidant-rich herbal extracts help reduce the deleterious effects that pollution, pathogens, and toxic byproducts have on our bodies. Like a vitamin, use this non-toxic, anti-aging body moisturizer daily to stay healthy, moisturized, and forever young. It is a lightweight, non-toxic, daily body moisturizer that improves skin tone and texture, reduces the effects of aging, and keeps the body healthy and energized.

Want more in depth information to different skin care ingredients and how to use them? Check out our new e-book / paperback available on Your Best Skin Yet: Popular Natural Ingredients In Skincare and How to Use them: A quick guide to common and natural ingredients to formulate skincare at home or in a professional setting.

regina disilvestro


Aveeno – Breaking down omega-3 benefits for skin

National Institutes of Health - Antioxidants

National Institutes of Health – Vitamin C

Oregon State University  - Vitamin E and Skin Health

RD Alchemy – Ingredients 101

RD Alchemy – 5 Herbs Rich in Vitamin C

RD Alchemy – 6 Benefits of Using Vitamin C Serum

RD Alchemy – Vitamin C Facial Protocol

RD Alchemy - Quick Guide to Natural Skin Care Ingredients

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